Offers for Ars Iuris Vienna fellows

The Ars Iuris Vienna offers its fellows a variation of activities and funding possibilities addtionally to the "regular" doctoral program:


The Ars Iuris Vienna offers its fellows a wide range of activities:

    University of Vienna Law Review

    Fellows der Ars Iuris Vienna betreuen redaktionell die University of Vienna Law Review, eine seit 2017 bestehende englischsprachige Online-Open-Access-Fachzeitschrift mit Peer Review. Junge Rechtswissenschaftler*innen haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Forschungserkenntnisse einem internationalen und interdisziplinären Fachpublikum zugänglich zu machen.


    Ars Iuris Fellows are respsonsible for the editorial supervision of the University of Vienna Law Review, a in 2017 founded, English, legal journal with open access and peer review.

    Legal scholars are given the unique possibility to publicize their latest scientific research results, making it accessible for an international, interdiscipilnary, professional audience.

    Ars Iuris Vienna uni:doc Fellowships

    • If you are already admitted to the doctoral program in law but do not know how to finance it yet, the Ars Iuris Vienna uni:doc Fellowships are perfect for you.
    • With the Ars Iuris Vienna uni:doc Fellowships you will have an employment contract for 30 hours per week with the University of Vienna for three years.
    • The Fellowships will preferably be granted to students with an interdisciplinary legal topic, who ideally have more than one supervisor.
    • Find further information on the application here.

    Funding / Financial Support

    Information on the numerous ways of Ars Iuris funding and financial support can be found here.

    All activities