Annual Conference

What is it about?

At the annual conference, Fellows of Ars Iuris Vienna present their completed dissertations and excerpts from their research. At the end, the best doctoral theses are awarded with a prize. Please note that only theses are considered that were completed after June of the previous year.


by Don Binder

After introductory greetings by our Vice Dean and Ars Iuris spokesperson Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz-Stefan Meissel, the 12 prize winners were given a brief insight into their awarded dissertations.


I. Panel - Moderation by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Holzleithner

  • Dr. Karina Karik, B.A., M.A.I.S. began with her presentation on "Inter-spouse Protection in Roman and Contemporary Law," examining the tension between "protection" and "protectionism."
    ("Die Konstruktion von Schutznormen und deren Verortung im Spannungsverhältnis von "Protection" und "Protectionism") 

  • Dr. Julius Schumann followed with his dissertation on legal principles of the Austrian Supreme Court documented in the Legal Information System (RIS) since 2000.
    ("Rechtssatz, Rechtsinformation, Rechtsheinheit")

  • Dr. Ines Rössl explained the concept of intersectionality, a recurring reference point in both political and academic discourses, highlighting the interaction of societal categories of difference
    ("Intersektionale Rechtskritik. Die Analyse verwobener Herrschafts- und Ungleichheitsverkältnisse im Recht")


II. Panel - Moderation by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Stephanie Nitsch

  • Dr. Michael Moser examined the after-acquired property lien, covering complex aspects and addressing existing gaps in the field.
    ("Das Afterpfandrecht")

  • Dr. Nina-Maria Hafner-Thomic discussed personalized pricing in online commerce, comparing regulatory approaches from data protection, consumer, non-discrimination, competition, and general civil law perspectives, with strong consideration of economic concepts.
    ("Personalisierte Preise im Online-Handel")

  • Dr. Sophie Illedits, LL.M., explored the topic of electric vehicle charging stations in condominiums, considering conditions for their installation, influenced by the 2022 Condominium Act amendment facilitating easier setup of both individual and communal charging facilities.
    ("E-Ladestationen im Wohnungseigentum")


III. Panel - Moderation by Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Michaela Windisch-Graetz

  • Dr. Marina Murko, B.A., examined corporate social responsibility (CSR) focusing on the responsibilities of corporate boards in supply chains, analyzing the legitimacy and obligations of CSR measures.
    ("Die Pflichten von Unternehmen und ihren Leitungsorganen in der Lieferkette")

  • Dr. Sophie Schwertner investigated the use of collective bargaining instruments in Austrian law for economically dependent individuals not in traditional employment roles.
    ("Kollektive Rechtssetzung und Arbeitnehmerähnlichkeit")

  • Dr. Matthäus Uitz, LL.B. (WU), M.Sc., LL.M. (Yale), discussed adult guardianship within corporate law, emphasizing its societal relevance and impact on decision-making processes for adults unable to make decisions due to mental health issues.
    ("Erwachsenenschutz im Gesellschafstrecht")


IV. Panel - Moderation by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anuscheh Farahat

  • Dr. Jonas Divjak presented on electronic data processing by law enforcement and judicial authorities, focusing on protecting data privacy rights within criminal proceedings.
    ("Datenschutz und Strafprozess")

  • Dr. Stephanie Stipsits, LL.M., addressed Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ), exploring their legality, forms, maritime disputes, and impact on airspace freedoms amid unresolved territorial conflicts.
    ("Air Defense Identification Zones - Questions of Legality, Forms, and Maritime Frontier Disputes")

  • Dr. Moriz Kopetzki concluded with his research on EU Court of Justice case law regarding the direct application of EU directives and fundamental rights among private parties, emphasizing the role of directives in areas such as anti-discrimination and maternity protection.
    (“Richtlinien und Unionsgrundrechte zwischen Privaten“)


The dissertation awards were then presented to the speakers to celebrate their achievements. The conference concluded with networking and discussion among attendees, marking a successful event.

We are delighted with the success of this year's annual conference and look forward to honoring outstanding work again next year!