Faculty Public Presentation
We are also not responsible for organisational matters like the administration of the FÖP or the recognition of course credits within the curriculum of the doctoral program. The information listed below is only meant to offer a brief overview of doctoral studies in law at the University of Vienna. You can find more information about the doctoral programme and who to contact on the website of the SSC Rechtswissenschaften.
The public faculty presentation is an important step at the beginning of the doctoral program, as it requires the approval of the topic and supervision by the study program director. During the presentation, the doctoral candidates, together with their supervisors, present the dissertation project based on the exposé.
The presentation serves to introduce the new doctoral candidates and their dissertation topics, as well as to facilitate exchange and feedback. Attending doctoral advisory board members can provide comments on the exposé and the presentation and advise the study program director on the quality and feasibility of the project.
If the presentation is positive, the topic is approved, and the doctoral candidate can conclude a dissertation agreement. If the presentation is negative, the project can be withdrawn, the exposé revised, and presented again at a later date.
According to the Statutes of the University of Vienna (§ 15(8)), doctoral candidates must present their exposé and have the topic/supervision approved within the first year of study.
The following documents must be submitted to the SSC after successfully completing the public faculty presentation (only available in German):
- Form 1 – Registration of topic and supervisor
- Form 2 – Rules of good scientific practice
- Form 3 – Dissertation agreement
- Exposé
Please send each form and the exposé separately as scanned PDF documents via email to doktorat.rewi@univie.ac.at.