2nd Ars Iuris legal Potentials Conference

30.09.2024 09:00 - 17:00

The 2nd Ars Iuris Legal Potentials Conference focusing on "Law and Politics in a Polarized World" will take place on the September 30th in Palais Trautson, home to the Federal Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Austria

In 2024, more than half of the world's population will live in countries where nationwide elections are held. Lines of social conflict are revealed with particular clarity as a result. The public narrative paints a picture of an irreconcilable and divided society in which communication between the increasingly fragmented sub-publics comes to a standstill and some groups abandon the common democratic system altogether. Against this backdrop, the question of the relationship between law and politics in a conflict-ridden world arises: To what extent does the legal system depend on social consensus? Is the law itself a driving factor of social polarization? Can the law mediate and counteract polarizing tendencies? Join us as we explore these critical questions at the 2nd Ars Iuris Legal Potentials Conference.

Please register here by clicking on the

At the bottom that page, you will find the registration form. Please consider that registration is only available until September 15th!

Ars Iuris Vienna
Museumstraße 7, 1070 Vienna

CC-BY-SA 3.0/Thomas Ledl