Jour fixe #1 - How to become successful in Academia


Am 5. Oktober findet der erste Jour fixe statt, bei dem Prof. Dr. Diego Acosta (University of Bristol) einen Talk zum Thema "How to become successful in Academia - A British perspective" hält.

About the talk: Professor Acosta will share some crucial ideas to becoming known and successful in academia and, in the process, making your research more useful and important. Rather than offering obvious advice (e.g. write good papers), Professor Acosta will present some of the most common traps that lead scholars to have their work not being read by anyone and to procrastination. Once those traps are identified, he will give some unconventional advice on how to face them and have a more enjoyable and fruitful career,  or getting a first academic job for those who are still in their doctoral studies.  

Dr Diego Acosta is Professor of European and Migration Law at the University of Bristol. He is a leading scholar at global level on migration and nationality law, has over 50 publications, and has presented in some of the most prestigious universities worldwide. He has participated in cases before the European Court of Justice and has been invited to offer advice by governments, parliaments, international organizations, law firms and NGOs in Europe, South America, the US, East Africa, and the Caribbean.

Hardfacts: October 5th, 2021 from 6 pm at Café Stein, 1090 Vienna

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