Socratics Seminars

Seminar for Doctoral Students

Socratics give participants the opportunity to present and discuss their research with each other. This not only trains the ability to present and critically analyze their own texts, but also promotes the transdisciplinary component of Ars Iuris Vienna by bringing together young academics from different legal disciplines.


The sessions offer the opportunity to receive comprehensive feedback on your own texts from colleagues and professors and thus further improve their readability and persuasiveness. Each text will be briefly presented by three to four speakers, whereby the strengths and weaknesses of the contribution should be respectfully addressed in the sense of a critical and constructive discussion. The first speaker should also provide a brief overview of the content and structure of the text. Everyone else is then invited to comment during the discussion. At the end of the discussion (i.e. after all requests to speak), the author is given time for a short reaction/replica for feedback.

Giving and receiving constructive and honest feedback is essential for academic work. Speakers as feedback providers are required to formulate their comments in an appreciative and objective manner. Authors should accept feedback as an opportunity and as subjective suggestions for optimization from readers.

Ars Iuris Special

Socratics seminars are regularly organized as part of a retreat. In the past, the doctoral students have already traveled to Schloss Seggau in Leibnitz (in the fall), to "Haus im Ennstal" and to Strobl am Wolfgangsee. The annual summer discourse takes place in Strobl, which the fellows also attend.

Socratics/Retreats - in retrospect


Am 5. Dezember 2023 fand eine Socratics Session unter Leitung von Prof. Franz-Stefan Meissel und Prof. Caroline Heber statt.


Von 26.-28. Oktober 2023 zog eine Delegation der ARS Iuris aus, um im südsteirischen Seggau in malerischer Umgebung unter der Seminar-Leitung von...


Vom 26. bis 28. Oktober 2023 fand wieder eine besondere Art der Socratics Session als Teil eines Retreats im Schloss Seggau in der Südsteiermark unter...


Vom 30. Juli bis zum 1. August 2023 fand erneut das alljährliche Socratics-Seminar im Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung am Wolfgangssee statt. Die...


Vom 12. bis 15. Februar fand das Socratics-Seminar in Haus am Ennstal in der Steiermark bei winterlicher Kulisse, akademischem Diskurs und sportlichen...


Vom 24. bis zum 26. Oktober 2022 fand erneut das alljährliche Socratics-Seminar im Schloss Seggau in der Südsteiermark samt spannenden...